Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Artificial Sweeteners ,

 Artificial Sweeteners : Aspartame

Aspartame - By Far the Most Dangerous Substance Added to Most Foods Today
It hides behind brand names such as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure, but its makers cannot conceal that it accounts for 75 percent of adverse reactions to food additives reported...
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Aspartame Articles

Artificial Sweeteners Are Toxic to Gut Bacteria, Study Reveals...

16 Oct 2018
A 25-year study found very moderate consumption of this is linked to a 65 percent higher likelihood of being overweight and a 41 percent increased likelihood of being obese. Awful for kids too. Now a new study shows it's toxic to your gut and sparks DNA mutations - a recipe for health ruin.

Reconfirmed: Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat and Sick

08 May 2018
Many people turn to this option, thinking it will help them consume fewer calories, slim down and lower their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. But researchers are now discovering that's not the case. Instead, they accumulate in your blood and can cause even more severe damage to your blood vessels.

New Study Shows Artificial Sweeteners Can Lead to Diabetes

03 Oct 2017
Yet another study has linked artificial sweeteners to impaired glucose response, suggesting they may play a role in Type 2 diabetes. It's time to spread the word that consuming artificial sweeteners impairs your body's response to glucose and can increase risk for obesity and other related health problems.

Aspartame: Decades of Science Point to Serious Health Consequences

29 Aug 2017
Accumulating evidence shows that consuming artificial sweeteners like aspartame may increase your risk of weight gain, diabetes, heart problems and more. Recent research also linked such sweeteners to disruptions of metabolism because the sweet taste your body perceives doesn't match up with the calories consumed.

This Common Food Ingredient Is 'Scary as Hell'

02 May 2017
A popular artificial sweetener consumed by millions of Americans regularly was approved for the market under suspicious circumstances and research continues to question claims of its safety. In fact, recent research has linked it to weight gain, metabolic dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, cancer and more.

Aspartame Use Surges in Children's Drinks

25 Jan 2017
A recent study came out with startling information: Not just adults, but around 25 percent of kids in the US say they regularly consume foods and drinks containing low-calorie sweeteners (LCS), such as aspartame, sucralose and saccharin. That’s a 200 percent increase in LCS consumption for children from 1999 to 2012. And that’s not all - you’ll even find aspartame in children’s medicine.

This Is How Aspartame Causes Obesity

06 Dec 2016
Decades of studies have shown consuming the artificial sweetener aspartame is associated with weight gain, not loss. Now new research shows how this synthetic substance may promote obesity via a surprising mechanism in your gut.

Leaked Podesta Emails Confirm Suspicions About Aspartame Dangers

09 Nov 2016
The risks range from increased cravings and dependence, thereby raising your chances of weight gain, to cardiovascular disease, stroke and Alzheimer's disease, so it would be in your best interest to steer clear from this 'diet' food. But the dangers don't stop there. Are you or someone you know still consuming it?

California Considers Adding Cancer Warning to Aspartame

27 Sep 2016
A long list of side effects and health conditions are associated with this toxic chemical, yet it has been approved by the US FDA and is found in more than 6,000 different products on your grocery store shelves. Read labels to eliminate it from your diet.

Artificial Sweeteners Are Turning Sour

14 Sep 2016
The scientific evidence is becoming too expansive to ignore; artificial sweeteners are linked to a cascade of negative metabolic and neurological effects. While US health agencies continue to claim they're safe, the science says otherwise.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ways To Boost Your Mental Energy

Your mind is one of the most significant contributors to your daily energy levels. 
The benefits of high levels of mental energy include confidence, happiness, focus, as well as increased motivation, willpower, and productivity. 
Additionally, your brain has a significant effect on your level of physical energy. When you have increased willpower and motivation, it can lead to adopting healthier eating habits, less procrastination, less stress, and decreased levels of fatigue. 
The way you think also has an astounding effect on the way those around you perceive you and how well you perform. When you feel confident, you look confident, leading to you performing more efficiently and increasing your chances of success.  
If you want to improve your overall mental health, here are five ways that you can boost your mental energy today, to start leading a more prosperous life. 
Do Things that You’re Passionate About 
Spend time every week participating in activities that you’re passionate about. Head outside and enjoy a leisurely walkthrough the woods or break out the art supplies and paint for a couple of hours.  
Participating in activities that you enjoy, helps to foster creativity skills in your brain, which can contribute to a healthy mind. Getting involved in activities that you haven’t had the chance to enjoy but have always wanted to do, can do wonders for your mental energy.  
Opening yourself up to new experiences will stimulate your brain in a way that can help it to adapt to new environments.  
You can also help to sharpen your brainwave patterns by diversifying the activities that you engage in. Trying something new will boost your mental energy.  
If you don't know where to start, head to your local community center to see what kinds of programs they have to offer, or check out Facebook to see if there is a group in your area. If you can't find something, take the initiative and start one in your community. 
Participating in new activities that are outside will boost your energy even more because sunlight, provides your body with Vitamin D, which is essential for increasing your energy levels. If you start to feel tired at work, take a short break and head outside for a quick walk.  
A great way to boost your mental energy is to practice meditation on a regular basis. Meditation is nothing more than being present in the world around you and being conscious of your mind and breath.  
Many people find meditation to be extremely helpful when they are dealing with real-world situations and remaining focused on difficult tasks throughout their day.  
When engaging in meditation, it is important to not think about the future or past but to be present in the moment. Along with providing you with a boost of mental energy, mediation has a plethora of other benefits that will leave you feeling happy and healthy.  
Meditation can help to reduce pain and enhance your immune system, will help to reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, confusion, and anger, as well as increasing blood flow, which can help alleviate fatigue. 
Practicing meditation in the evenings, before you go to bed, can also help to eliminate insomnia and improve your sleep, which is essential for keeping your energy levels high. Meditation will help to retrain your brain, reducing your worries and bringing you into the moment.  
Meditation has also been shown to naturally increase the production of melatonin in your body, which will lead you to sleep more deeply, more soundly, and more effectively, allowing you to feel more refreshed and revitalized the next day.  
If you’re new to meditation, there are a ton of resources online and at your local library to help you get started.  
Make Sure You’re Drinking Enough Water 
Drinking water and brain function are integrally linked. When your brain doesn’t receive enough water, it can cause numerous symptoms including problems with focus, memory, brain fatigue, and brain fog, and can lead to depression, headaches, sleep issues, and anger.  
Drinking enough water is the solution to almost every health issue.  
Increasing your intake of water will keep you hydrated during the day, and rejuvenate a lethargic brain.  
The cells of your brain require twice as much energy than the other cells in your body. Your mind is one of the most important organs in your body that needs to be fueled.  
Drinking water gives the brain the electrical energy that is required to function correctly, including the thought and memory processes. When you provide your mind with an adequate supply of water, you will think faster and be more focused and will be provided with greater clarity and creativity. 
Medical professionals recommend that you should be consuming at least 64 ounces of water every day. This is equal to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water or four plastic bottles of water a day.  
When your brain doesn't get enough water, you will begin to experience issues with your focus, memory, and have trouble sleeping at night, all of which will deplete your energy and leave you feeling fatigued. 
If you find that you aren’t getting enough water throughout the day, try carrying a bottle of water around with your and see how many times you can fill it up throughout the day.  
You can also get more water, by drinking teas and eating foods that have a high water content, like watermelon or celery.  
Get More Sunlight 

In order for your body to function correctly, you need to expose yourself to sunlight. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between people who work after midnight, or in locations that have no natural light, like mine shafts or dark factories, and mental health issues like depression, sleep disorders, and other cognitive problems.  
This is as a result of their circadian rhythm patterns being skewed. Your circadian rhythm is your 24-hour internal clock that runs in the background of your brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals.  
The sun is one of the primary sources that can provide your body with Vitamin D. Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with various cognitive deficiencies. These deficiencies include the ability to rationalize and calculate numerical figures.  
Getting enough vitamin D can also reduce your risks of developing diseases that indirectly affect the brain’s functioning, like hypertension and cardiovascular disease.  
Increasing your body’s level of Vitamin D isn’t the only benefit you can gain from increasing your exposure to the sun. Exposure to more sunlight can also influence your mood and mental health.  
It can also help to regulate your circadian rhythms, an effective therapy against depression. It's essential that you spend some time outside every day if you want to maintain your mental energy levels. 
Improve Your Social Relationships 
If you want to keep your brain healthy and your mental energy full, spend time with loved ones and those who have a deep insight into life. Too often, in our hectic world of constant work, school, and other demands, we often forget to appreciate the people in our lives.  
Studies have shown that having a stable support system and meaningful friendships are essential if you want to have a healthy and energized brain.  
According to a meta-analysis of 148 studies, people that have stronger social relationships have an increased likelihood of survival as opposed to those with weaker connections.  
In other words, those who have stronger relationships with those around them are more likely to outlive those with weaker connections. 
Recent research into the impact of social relationships on overall health has shown that the stronger your relationships with friends and family the healthier you'll be. Having strong social support has shown to have a positive impact on your cardiovascular health, neuroendocrine system, immune system, and inflammatory process.  
We are naturally social people, so it shouldn't be a surprise that building healthy relationships, not only provide us with mental energy but can make us happier in our lives. To increase your mental energy, be sure to spend time with people who think positively and increase your energy levels. 
Work to keep your relationships healthy and try not to neglect family and friends when your life gets busy. If you find that you need to build a stronger support system, take the time to create a game plan for meeting and spending time with great people, and stick to it. 
Energy is your most precious resource, without it, you can't do anything more than go through the motions of life. When you have energy, you're able to engage at work and in your relationships and enjoy being alive. 
While its natural for your energy to ebb and flow throughout the day, when you engage in bad habits that deplete your energy levels, it can leave you feeling chronically fatigued and overly exhausted.  
When your energy levels drop, and you struggle to make it through your day, these five, natural strategies can help you boost your energy levels instantly and keep you from fighting with fatigue and exhaustion. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

10 Common Foods You Must Eat Regularly To Get Your Antioxidants

Foods that provide high antioxidant benefits are considered to be healthy because they help our bodies deal with and combat the effects of free radicals. These are molecules in our cells that have mutated and not been repaired or destroyed way bodies which can be potentially harmful. If allowed to roam free and build up in our bodies, these free radicals can have the potential to cause oxidative damage to your DNA and body cells in general. By regularly eating a diet that is high in antioxidants your body is able to neutralize these molecules. When you do not have enough antioxidants your body, it is unable to deal with chronic oxidative stress. This has the effect of weakening your immune system and increasing your overall risk of developing some of the most common chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many types of cancer.

Eating these common foods regularly will provide you with adequate antioxidant benefits:

1. Tomatoes contain three types of antioxidants, Vitamin C, one of nature’s most potent antioxidants, Lycopene, this is responsible for tomatoes, bright red colour and Vitamin A, these act as your internal body cleaners. Tomatoes also contain potassium and vitamin B, both of which are good for your kidney and heart.
Vitamin C is very heat sensitive, so it is lost when anything containing it is cooked but cooking tomatoes substantially increases the lycopene content and improves its antioxidant benefits in a similar way as others such as beta-carotene which becomes more potent when cooked on low heat.

2. Broccoli contains antioxidant, carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene in substantially larger amounts compared to other vegetables.The best way to cook broccoli is by steaming it. It is also great to eat raw or juiced to keep its high vitamin C content intact.

3. Oranges contain are a good source of vitamin C and many other nutrients vital to collagen production to help reduce wrinkles and improve the texture skin overall.

4. Mangoes offer vitamin A flavonoids, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. Their antioxidant benefits help to maintain healthy vision and glowing radiant skin.

5. Beetroot contains betalain antioxidant a fungicidal and anti-inflammatory that aids in detoxification as well as helping to provide cancer protection.

6. Strawberries contain, anthocyanins, antioxidants that help protect against cardiovascular diseases fight bad cholesterol and carcinogens.

7. Garlic contains antioxidants that act like a natural antibiotic, prevent oxidation, help to stop cancer and infections.

8. Eggs contain zeaxanthin and lutein antioxidants to help keep your eyes healthy and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration or blindness.

9. Tea is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that can reduce the likely hood of developing mouth and gum disorders, weak bones, Alzheimers, diabetes and some cancers.

10. Nuts have antioxidant benefits because of compounds such as resveratrol and ellagic acid, which can lower inflammation and subsequent wear and tear as well as helping to nourish your gut bacteria.

Having a good variety and picking fresh, unprocessed foods when choosing the items for your meals and planning a menu high in antioxidants is the key to overall good health and longevity. Our bodies need additional help by regularly eating foods high in antioxidants because of our busy lifestyles.

More About the Author
Nutrafruit holds a global licence to commercialise a range of fruit varieties developed by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Nutrafruit has invested heavily in research, to bring the health benefits of these new superfoods to the world.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Top 5 Foods That Help Clean Your Teeth

By Author: James Franklin

Having a healthy mouth means having a healthy life. There is a direct relationship between your oral health and your overall physical health. With poor oral health comes stroke, diabetes and heart problems. Studies have even linked poor oral health with certain cancers. Having a healthy mouth means that you can keep your teeth for a lifetime. Teeth are used in various tasks so keeping them in the best condition they can possibly be is a must.
The surest way to maintain the health of our teeth is to follow a good oral health care regimen. Aside from the regular brushing, flossing and visits to the dentist, you also need to watch the food that you eat. It helps to eat food items that are free from artificial sugar and flavoring; it would be a bonus to eat those that help keep the teeth healthy and clean. Below are five healthy food items that not only fill you up with a good dose of vitamins and minerals but effectively clean your teeth as well.

1. Cheese. 
Research from the American Academy of General Dentistry has shown that eating cheese can increase the pH level in the mouth. In turn, this lowers the risk for teeth decay in the long run. They were able to conclude that cheese does help in maintaining oral health, for as long as it is eaten in moderation.

2. Leafy greens. 
Kale and other kinds of leafy greens are filled with vitamins and minerals that are essential to everyday living. They also contain high amounts of calcium that helps build the teeth enamel and give protection to your teeth for a long time. 

3. Fruits. 
Generally, sweet food items contain sugar that can pave the way for teeth decay. However, some sweet foods are actually beneficial to oral health. Fruits are high in water and fiber that are very good for overall oral health. They also help with saliva production in the mouth that helps wash away food particles and bacteria, and neutralize acid.

4. Almonds. 
A great source of protein and calcium, almonds keep the teeth and gums strong and healthy. Almonds are perfect to take along for snacks when you are out from home. They can also be added to any meal for additional flavor and nutrients.

5. Celery. 
Celery helps remove food particles and bacteria from the teeth, keeping the gums and teeth healthy. This power vegetable also gives the body good doses of vitamins A and C that can give the teeth additional protection from infection.

If you know the kind of food items that work great in protecting the teeth and gums against bacteria and infection, then you can make more informed choices during your next trip to the grocery store. If you have any more questions about maintaining oral health, do not hesitate to see a reputable dentist in your area. They would be glad to give you guidance on the right food to eat for your teeth’s optimal health, along with other tips to stay away from dental problems.
visit: https://www.castlehillsdentistry.com